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#Sonnox oxford inflator vs oxford limter how to

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#Sonnox oxford inflator vs oxford limter full
It is really wonderful on a full mix, a choice piece of DSP and I can't imagine stacking Inflator with it when it is so euphonic already.i cant believe how upfront some of the new electronic music is at the moment. I guess it might be useful to mention that the iZotope Exciter is finding a lot of use here lately in multiband mode. The TransMod is actually very useable on a full mix, I still go back to that sometimes as well. Also, it might have to do with that my primary focus is mastering electronic music and the whole smashed "EDM" sound is going out of style at the moment with many people going back to Techno and other more "traditional" and "dynamic" genres.

I think what sounds modern has changed a lot in the past couple years.

But I have to admit the Inflator doesn't excite me much anymore (pun? haha). And I really like the EQ, I find myself coming back to it a lot when I need to bring mixes forward. Have had the Oxford Elite bundle for a long time.